Azam adalah perkataan yang sinonim dengan pertukaran dari tahun lama ke tahun baru, dan bermula dengan mungkin hari ini atau beberapa hari lagi, orang akan sibuk memperkatakan tentang azam sempena penukaran dari tahun 2009 ke 2010. Tapi tulisan bukanlah untuk menceritakan tentang azam kerana memang sejak dari bertahun lepas [mungkin 12-13 tahun dulu], ku tak pernah mempunyai azam tahun baru kecualilah ku sentiasa berniat untuk...
Itulah niat setiap tahun ku yang ku rasa sangat penting dan tiada lain yang ku harapkan bila setiap tahun berubah. Apa yang ada hanyalah rencana dan rancangan dalam menghadapi tahun akan datang...!! Apa yaa rancangan yang perlu diatur dan apa yaa tarikh tarikh penting yang perlu ku ingat untuk tahun hadapan..!!? Bagaimana dengan perancangan tahun 2009 ku...?? Ada yang mencapai sasaran dan ada juga projek yang perlu ditangguh... tangguh oleh kerana keadaan kesibukan dan masa yang membataskan proses perlaksanaan.
Ada jugalah perkara perkara yang boleh kata besar juga yang masih dalam perancangan dan perbincangan, andai segalanya berjalan lancar, memang ianya akan menjadi sesuatu yang hebat untuk kami. Hebat tu boleh digambarkan seperti sesuatu yang orang lain fikirkan tetapi lain sebenarnya yang kita sedang usahakan. Ku yakin, pasti ada kalangan pembaca terlintas memikirkan yang kami membuat perancangan penambahan ahli keluarga...!! Yaa... mungkin ada pembaca yang dah memikirkan sedemikian sedangkan kami perlu pastikan perkara yang masih dalam perancangan dan perbincangan ini menjadi sebelum kami melangkah ke perancangan yang lebih besar... maksud besar tu adalah besar sebesar besarnya...!!
Ku pasti akan memberikan perkembangan sekiranya perlu dan satu harapan ku pada tahun baru ini...
Bonus, Increament dan Gaji yang stabil...!!
Wednesday, December 30
Saturday, December 26
World's Friendliest Countries
Rebecca Ruiz, 12.01.09, 12:01 AM EST
These nations are the most hospitable to expatriates, according to a new report.
The Middle East has long had a reputation for being one of the world's perennial trouble spots. But for expatriates, the tiny Persian Gulf county Bahrain ranks as one of the most welcoming places to work.
Bahrain ranked first in one key measure of how easy it is for expatriates to set up a new life for their families. It received high marks from expats who like the country's easy access to modern health care, decent and affordable housing, and network of social groups that expatriates can join.
Canada, which ranked first in a similar survey last year, fell to second place on HSBC's integration score, which measures how easily foreigners and their families can settle into a new country. Australia, Thailand and Malaysia rounded out the top five. Foreign workers in these countries found it easy to make local friends and said they enjoyed a higher quality of life than in their native countries.
Full Story
The article was posted on early December 2009, can be considered as new right...!!
Here the Chart

They are using a methodology as below:
The Expat Explorer survey was commissioned by HSBC Bank International and conducted by the research company FreshMinds. More than 3,100 expatriates were surveyed between February and April 2009.The respondents were asked to rate 23 factors related to their quality of life, including food, entertainment, transportation, health care, finances, education and their ability to make friends. Each criterion is equally weighted to arrive at a score. The overall ranking is based on the average score for a country across the criteria. Eight measures were also selected to comprise the integration score: organizing school for my children; organizing my finances; organizing my health care; finding somewhere to live; making friends; making local friends; setting up utilities; and joining local community groups. The integration score was used to determine the friendliest countries.
Yes, the value look fair enough but then i wonder if image below has reflected the rank given to Malaysia...!!??

Click Here or Here [scroll till 5th rank] if you TAK PERCAYA
:@) Malaysia Truly Asia
Rebecca Ruiz, 12.01.09, 12:01 AM EST
These nations are the most hospitable to expatriates, according to a new report.
The Middle East has long had a reputation for being one of the world's perennial trouble spots. But for expatriates, the tiny Persian Gulf county Bahrain ranks as one of the most welcoming places to work.
Bahrain ranked first in one key measure of how easy it is for expatriates to set up a new life for their families. It received high marks from expats who like the country's easy access to modern health care, decent and affordable housing, and network of social groups that expatriates can join.
Canada, which ranked first in a similar survey last year, fell to second place on HSBC's integration score, which measures how easily foreigners and their families can settle into a new country. Australia, Thailand and Malaysia rounded out the top five. Foreign workers in these countries found it easy to make local friends and said they enjoyed a higher quality of life than in their native countries.
Full Story
The article was posted on early December 2009, can be considered as new right...!!
Here the Chart

They are using a methodology as below:
The Expat Explorer survey was commissioned by HSBC Bank International and conducted by the research company FreshMinds. More than 3,100 expatriates were surveyed between February and April 2009.The respondents were asked to rate 23 factors related to their quality of life, including food, entertainment, transportation, health care, finances, education and their ability to make friends. Each criterion is equally weighted to arrive at a score. The overall ranking is based on the average score for a country across the criteria. Eight measures were also selected to comprise the integration score: organizing school for my children; organizing my finances; organizing my health care; finding somewhere to live; making friends; making local friends; setting up utilities; and joining local community groups. The integration score was used to determine the friendliest countries.
Yes, the value look fair enough but then i wonder if image below has reflected the rank given to Malaysia...!!??

Click Here or Here [scroll till 5th rank] if you TAK PERCAYA
:@) Malaysia Truly Asia
Friday, December 25
Happy Holiday...
Yes... MOst incredible performance by Kiss...!!
Enjoy watching and Merry Christmas...!!?
Thursday, December 24
Haji dan Hajjah Sudah Pulang

Tanggal 12 December 2009, dalam jam 2028, penerbangan yang membawa jemaah haji termasuk ibu ku telah selamat mendarat di KLIA [Kuala Lumpur International Airport]. Ramai juga orang yang berpusu dibalai ketibaan untuk menunggu serta menyambut ahli keluarga yang pulang dengan penerbangan tadi.

Rumah blackout jam 6pm masa kami baru bersiap nak untuk ke KLIA
Seperti yang dirancang, kami menggunakan KLIA Express dari Putrajaya untuk ke sana. Ianya bertujuan untuk memberi pengalaman pada Amir bagaimana rasa naik keretapi sedang dirumah dia terlalu asyik dengan mainan Thomas and Friends serta movie Thomas and Friends yang terdapat dalam Youtube. Oleh kerana pengalaman pertama, Amir kelihatan macam takut takut dan diam je. Tangan tak lepas atas peha ayah dia, takut jatuh kut sebab keretapi tu banyak berhayun kekiri dan kanan sepanjang jalan.

Amir kelihatan takut takut

Sempat dinner Burger King aje budak ni...
Tiket takde laa mahal sangat, dewasa RM6.50 dan Amir, ku tak pasti berapa harga tiket sebab yang tukang beli tiket adalah Shima sementara ku pergi park kereta. Nak best lagi, parking pun percuma...!! Ku memang suka kalau ada benda benda yang percuma ni, almaklum, kira macam rezeki terpijak juga aa... Kata pasal percuma ni, anda pergilah masuk ke mana mana bahagian grocery di Jusco seluruh malaysia pada hari minggu, pasti masuk lapar, keluar kenyang dan ia antara perkara paling seronok dilakukan sepanjang menghabiskan masa pada hari minggu...!!

Perkara yang paling tak seronoknya pula bila, kena kerja pada cuti umum dan pada hari cuti hujung minggu... haaaiii...!!

Antara barang dagangan yang dibawa balik
Saturday, December 19
Let's Make Money By Viewing Ads and Donate to Charity - It's Free...!!
Click at this link to begin:
Catcheye adalah sebuah syarikat pengiklanan terbaru di Malaysia,
apa yang menariknya anda dibayar untuk setiap iklan yang anda lihat disini, ya mudah saja, klik2 iklan ...tak sampai seminit dah dapat duit, malah mereka membayar kita sehingga level 4 secara infiniti..
katakan anda menaja 10 orang di level 1, kemudian mereka menaja 10 orang lagi sehinggalah 4 level, tahu tak anda akan peroleh RM11 jika sehari mereka klik untuk 1 iklan, kalau sehari mereka klik 10x anda peroleh RM11x10=RM110 jika sebulan anda akan peroleh RM110x30=RM3300.. banyak tu .. tak nak ke? ayohlah sertai saya..
100% percuma..
tak perlu modal cuma perkenalkan kepada 10 orang je..benda
free takkan tak boleh ajak..
untuk maklumat anda,keahlian catcheye telah
mencecah 23,028 orang sekarang.. jangan berlengah lagi..Ini bukan
Cara nak register:
1.klik link disini
2.klik join catcheye now
3.Isi maklumat diri,IC dan alamat (penting sebab cek dihantar berdasarkan ini selepas cukup RM50)
4.Isi jawapan:
soalan 1 jawapan A (atas sekali),
soalan 2 jawapan B (yang tengah),
soalan 3 jawapan A (atas sekali).
p/s (jika jawab salah pendaftaran tidak diterima)
5.klik agree and proceed.. Ok siap
kemudian apa perlu buat?
1.klik sign in
2.lepas sign in klik reward panel
3.Anda lihat akaun anda ada RM1 (bonus) dan link awak.
4.Copy link awak dan gantikan link saya ini dengan link awak.
5.postkan dan emailkan kepada kawan2.
6.Lihatlah tak sampai sebulan anda dah ade 10 orang di level 1.
percayalah!sebab benda ni 100% percuma....
Please check ur profile after signing in... u will see ur hierarchy and it works..
Catcheye adalah sebuah syarikat pengiklanan terbaru di Malaysia,
apa yang menariknya anda dibayar untuk setiap iklan yang anda lihat disini, ya mudah saja, klik2 iklan ...tak sampai seminit dah dapat duit, malah mereka membayar kita sehingga level 4 secara infiniti..
katakan anda menaja 10 orang di level 1, kemudian mereka menaja 10 orang lagi sehinggalah 4 level, tahu tak anda akan peroleh RM11 jika sehari mereka klik untuk 1 iklan, kalau sehari mereka klik 10x anda peroleh RM11x10=RM110 jika sebulan anda akan peroleh RM110x30=RM3300.. banyak tu .. tak nak ke? ayohlah sertai saya..
100% percuma..
tak perlu modal cuma perkenalkan kepada 10 orang je..benda
free takkan tak boleh ajak..
untuk maklumat anda,keahlian catcheye telah
mencecah 23,028 orang sekarang.. jangan berlengah lagi..Ini bukan
Cara nak register:
1.klik link disini
2.klik join catcheye now
3.Isi maklumat diri,IC dan alamat (penting sebab cek dihantar berdasarkan ini selepas cukup RM50)
4.Isi jawapan:
soalan 1 jawapan A (atas sekali),
soalan 2 jawapan B (yang tengah),
soalan 3 jawapan A (atas sekali).
p/s (jika jawab salah pendaftaran tidak diterima)
5.klik agree and proceed.. Ok siap
kemudian apa perlu buat?
1.klik sign in
2.lepas sign in klik reward panel
3.Anda lihat akaun anda ada RM1 (bonus) dan link awak.
4.Copy link awak dan gantikan link saya ini dengan link awak.
5.postkan dan emailkan kepada kawan2.
6.Lihatlah tak sampai sebulan anda dah ade 10 orang di level 1.
percayalah!sebab benda ni 100% percuma....
Please check ur profile after signing in... u will see ur hierarchy and it works..
Friday, December 18
Mission Accomplised

Image taken from Berita Harian Online
20 years waiting, and finally, Malaysia defeated Vietnam 1-0 in the final played at the Main Stadium of the National Sports Complex in Vientiane on Thursday for gold.
What they did was beyond expectations. At many of us have never put any faith to those boys as to collect medal before tournament started. As they went to Laos under B category [team who categorize as B team must use their own money to fund the expenses], they showed their ability and make us proud.
Congratulation to the team and hopefully, this is not the last for next 20 years...!!
Thank you for the gold and 1Malaysia Boleh..
Image taken from Road To Final
Thursday, December 17
'Bak Kut Teh' Going Halal...!!??
"Bak Kut Teh is a Chinese soup. The name literally translates as "meat bone tea", and, at its simplest, consists of meaty pork ribs simmered in a complex broth of herbs and spices (including star anise, cinnamon, cloves, dang gui, fennel seeds and garlic) for hours."
You can savoured it at the "Fabulous Food 1Malaysia" event at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) from December 18 to 20, 2009. The different between halal and non-halal Bak Kut Teh is the use of chicken instead of pig in the soup. Even though the ingredient has changed, the organizer refuse to change the use of Bak Kut Teh name for the dish.
I've asked my officemate about it and he said, "no, Bak Kut Teh taste more better than other custom soup such as what they going to make it at the event [chik ko teh]. 'Chik' referred to chicken."
Imagine, you eat nasi lemak with Bak Kut Teh... Yum.. Yum...!!
"no pok no syok liao"
You can savoured it at the "Fabulous Food 1Malaysia" event at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) from December 18 to 20, 2009. The different between halal and non-halal Bak Kut Teh is the use of chicken instead of pig in the soup. Even though the ingredient has changed, the organizer refuse to change the use of Bak Kut Teh name for the dish.
I've asked my officemate about it and he said, "no, Bak Kut Teh taste more better than other custom soup such as what they going to make it at the event [chik ko teh]. 'Chik' referred to chicken."
Imagine, you eat nasi lemak with Bak Kut Teh... Yum.. Yum...!!
"no pok no syok liao"
Monday, December 14
1.6 juta penduduk Kelantan risiko HIV

MACHANG - Kira-kira 1.6 juta penduduk Kelantan yang mengesyaki diri berisiko tinggi dijangkiti virus HIV perlu menjalani saringan untuk mengesahkannya bagi mengurangkan jumlah penghidap yang tertinggi berbanding negeri lain.
Timbalan Pengarah, Jabatan Kesihatan Kelantan, Dr. Abu Hassan Ashaari berkata, ini disebabkan pihaknya mengesan jangkitan virus itu menyerang mangsa tanpa mengira umur walaupun warga emas 60 tahun ke atas.
Wow... Seandainya jumlah ini menjadi kenyataan, ia adalah satu angka yang sangat mengejutkan. Dari 28 juta++ jumlah penduduk berdaftar di Malaysia, 1.6 juta adalah mewakili, 5.7% dari keseluruhan jumlah penduduk...!! Anggaran populasi penduduk Kelantan pada tahun 2007 adalah lebih kurang 2.1 juta dan sekiranya jumlah ini bertambah 2 juta pun pada akhir tahun 2009, jumlah pengidap adalah lebih dari separuh penduduk Kelantan yang ada. Dan sebab itu, ianya seperti sangat berbahaya...
Bagaimana HIV menular...??
1. Hubungan kelamin dan hubungan seks oral
2. Penggunaan jarum suntikan bersama
3. Pemindahan darah
4. Kelahiran bayi dari ibu yang terjangkit
Agaknya, yang mana satu yang menjadi penyebab utama masalah diatas...!!?? Dan cara untuk membendung, anda semua tahu bagaimana...
Saturday, December 12
We're Into Semi
We are almost achiving our target... to eliminate champion of 8 consecutive edition of sea games is like once in a blue moon but hey!! we did it...!!
"The 25th Southeast Asian Games is scheduled to be held in Vientiane, Laos, in 2009. It will also be SEA Games 50th year since its inception. This will be the first time the country has ever held a Southeast Asian Games. Laos, the host country, is hoping to grab at least 25 of the 390 gold medals at stake. Two white elephants which symbolized Laos once "the kingdom of million elephants" (Lan Xang) were chosen as the Official Mascots. The names of the elephants are Ms. Champee and Mr. Champa represent the national flower of Laos."
Schedule and result
Eventhough there was a few good result done at other venue, the Malaysia 2 Thailand 1 has stole the light. It seems that Thailand defender was too confortable with 1 goal advantange that given much space for Malaysian players to move and creating goals.
Now, probably Laos is our next opponent in last 4 and if you (Malaysian) remember, we have history with the and starting from that, our football performance is getting from bad to worst. Hopefully, players manage to give their best and to be in final, "THERE WILL BE NO ONE BISING BISING ABOUT OUR FOOTBALL PERFORMANCE IN THIS YEAR TOURNAMENT"
Tuesday, December 8
ManagerLeague - FAQ and Info
10 things you should know about ManagerLeague
[good info for beginner]
Thanks to Spinner for written this
1: The schedule is always on the top right on the General page, and it has a link to a complete schedule. Learn it, it doesn't change much from season to season, and when a season is over, a new one is started shortly afterwards, so questions like "When does next season begin?" is always answered with "When this one is over. See the schedule!"
2: All players on all teams go on a "Beer and BBQ"-vacation between seasons. No, yours are NOT vegetarian! This means they lose attribute-points and need to train a while to catch up again. Your team-stats also go down between seasons, and needs to be trained a bit to get back.
3: Since you have a team, you have chosen a league. If you have chosen the International League, you can chose to MOVE to a national league under Options / Preferences. This move will happen between this and the next season.
4: ManagerLeague is available in multiple languages. You can change the language under Options / Preferences.
5: ManagerLeague has a set of rules you all agreed to when signing up. These rules can be found at
and not reading them is not a valid excuse for violating them. 1 person, 1 account, no more, regardless.
6: What is the best tactic / formation / setting?
There is no tactic that is "the best". You need to pick one that suits your team and if it doesn't work, try to change it. Try to apply some common sense and logic, and you will come a long way. It is not very logical to play 5-3-2 attacking, or 3-3-4 defending for instance, nor is it always advisable to play continental versus a defending style, to give you a few pointers.
7: If nobody wants to buy your players, it is probably because they simply are not good enough. Either train them more, or sack them, to make some fast cash.
8: There are very few players over 30 that should be expected to gain a lot of attribute-points over a season. They can gain of course, but it is logical that a younger player can learn more.
9: Do not expect miracles from very young players, they have much to learn.
10: ManagerLeague is "always under development" and continues to be improved every season. It is important that you read the announcements that are done between seasons, and you can find them on the portal front-page here.
11: The most important part of ManagerLeague is to have fun. (And to win!)
12: ManagerLeague takes time to learn and a lot of time to master. Do not expect to understand it all during your first season, but give it time, and you will be rewarded.
Have a great day!
Click to Join and play
FAQ written by S c r a t.
** 1) What is ex scouted (5 stars) ?
2) How to make money?
3) Can my banned player play cups?
4) What do I get for winning my department or department cup?
** 5) Tax and economy?
6) Money status?
7) Player Awards, Explanation and prices?
** 8) Why has my team training skills dropped so much?
9) When is trainings, matches, camps etc?
10) Playoffs?
11) Where should my players play?
12) Why aint my staduim full?
** 13) How much fit will my players gain on training?
** 14) Why can't I sell my players?
** 15) Best way to train players?
16) How good youth do I get from the youth academy?
17) When am I bankrupt?
18) why is some players green, and some players black? if im watching at the players at team possisions??
19) "I want to switch to another league!"
** 20) Maximum Profit in a Friendly?
21) When will the youths enter the free transfer list?
22) Min / max squad size?
23) What is this?
24) When will my player retire?
New! 25) Sponsormoney and salaries, how long ?
Full description can be read after successful registeration dan team creation... Click to Join and play
Good Luck...
++ I'm starting to get addicted
check out more about my team
[good info for beginner]
Thanks to Spinner for written this
1: The schedule is always on the top right on the General page, and it has a link to a complete schedule. Learn it, it doesn't change much from season to season, and when a season is over, a new one is started shortly afterwards, so questions like "When does next season begin?" is always answered with "When this one is over. See the schedule!"
2: All players on all teams go on a "Beer and BBQ"-vacation between seasons. No, yours are NOT vegetarian! This means they lose attribute-points and need to train a while to catch up again. Your team-stats also go down between seasons, and needs to be trained a bit to get back.
3: Since you have a team, you have chosen a league. If you have chosen the International League, you can chose to MOVE to a national league under Options / Preferences. This move will happen between this and the next season.
4: ManagerLeague is available in multiple languages. You can change the language under Options / Preferences.
5: ManagerLeague has a set of rules you all agreed to when signing up. These rules can be found at
and not reading them is not a valid excuse for violating them. 1 person, 1 account, no more, regardless.
6: What is the best tactic / formation / setting?
There is no tactic that is "the best". You need to pick one that suits your team and if it doesn't work, try to change it. Try to apply some common sense and logic, and you will come a long way. It is not very logical to play 5-3-2 attacking, or 3-3-4 defending for instance, nor is it always advisable to play continental versus a defending style, to give you a few pointers.
7: If nobody wants to buy your players, it is probably because they simply are not good enough. Either train them more, or sack them, to make some fast cash.
8: There are very few players over 30 that should be expected to gain a lot of attribute-points over a season. They can gain of course, but it is logical that a younger player can learn more.
9: Do not expect miracles from very young players, they have much to learn.
10: ManagerLeague is "always under development" and continues to be improved every season. It is important that you read the announcements that are done between seasons, and you can find them on the portal front-page here.
11: The most important part of ManagerLeague is to have fun. (And to win!)
12: ManagerLeague takes time to learn and a lot of time to master. Do not expect to understand it all during your first season, but give it time, and you will be rewarded.
Have a great day!
Click to Join and play
FAQ written by S c r a t.
** 1) What is ex scouted (5 stars) ?
2) How to make money?
3) Can my banned player play cups?
4) What do I get for winning my department or department cup?
** 5) Tax and economy?
6) Money status?
7) Player Awards, Explanation and prices?
** 8) Why has my team training skills dropped so much?
9) When is trainings, matches, camps etc?
10) Playoffs?
11) Where should my players play?
12) Why aint my staduim full?
** 13) How much fit will my players gain on training?
** 14) Why can't I sell my players?
** 15) Best way to train players?
16) How good youth do I get from the youth academy?
17) When am I bankrupt?
18) why is some players green, and some players black? if im watching at the players at team possisions??
19) "I want to switch to another league!"
** 20) Maximum Profit in a Friendly?
21) When will the youths enter the free transfer list?
22) Min / max squad size?
23) What is this?
24) When will my player retire?
New! 25) Sponsormoney and salaries, how long ?
Full description can be read after successful registeration dan team creation... Click to Join and play
Good Luck...
++ I'm starting to get addicted
check out more about my team
Online Football Manager
Selamat Bersuami Isteri Kepada Azhar - Shita

4 days in Alor Setar attending my brother in law marital ceremony...
The session has running well and both bride are now happily ever after... kahkahakah...!! i use to be a bridesmaid but didn't play the role much...!! I'm more busy on taking photos and video...!!
Come... Join Managerleague Today!

Experience the Excitement. It's The best Online Football Manager Game.
Join Managerleague today!
Managerleague is an online football manager game that has been running for over 4 years, and has tens of thousands of active players. New seasons are starting every month.
Play this game against thousands of managers from all over the world and win money and football fan's prizes.
Ini ku nak introduce...
game online ala ala Football Manager / Championship Manager yang dimainkan secara online...!! Boleh register dan explore dulu...
Season sedang berlangsung sekarang, mungkin korang boleh jadikan season pertama sebagai percubaan untuk maju di season yang seterusnya....!! Season Baru bermula setiap bulan...
Video and Screenshot
Click to join and play
p/s: drop comment if you have questions...!!
check out more about my team
Online Football Manager
Tuesday, December 1
New Toy For Kids... Mainan Baru Untuk Anak-Anak...

Beberapa lepas, Amir dan Mayya telah mendapat hadiah seorang satu toy. Memandangkan ku tidak terlibat langsung dalam keseluruhan process dari pergi ke toys 'r us hingga ke process memilih dan pulang semula kerumah [kerja laa masa Raya Kurban lepas], ku dapat nak menceritakan lebih lanjut tentang ini...
cukup sekadar nak show off pada pembaca pembaca sekalian yea...!! ekekek!!
Why Thomas and Friends..??
"Thomas and Friends is a British children's television series, first broadcast on the ITV network in September 1984. Until Season 7, which premiered in 2003, it was named Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends. This series was shot on 35mm film. The first series was filmed in Battersea, London and thereafter at Shepperton Studios.
It is based on The Railway Series of books by the Reverend W. V. Awdry. These books deal with the adventures of a group of anthropomorphised trains and road vehicles who live on the fictional Island of Sodor. The books were based on stories Awdry told to entertain his son Christopher during his recovery from measles. Many of the stories are based on events from Awdry's personal experience."

Thomas and Friends adalah rancangan TV terbaru yang telah ter'discovered by Amir'... Dari pada mula, Shima hanya mengajar cara mengoperasi laptop hingga dia sekarang sudah tahun 'handling' sendiri tanpa perlu ditunjuk ajar lagi...!!
Dari Upin dan Ipin, Sesame Street, Barney and Friends hingga lah ke laman YouTube, Semua dia dah tau nak buka... Kami pun menggalakkan dia untuk berinteraksi dengan games yang ada kat dalam site seperti diatas [kecuali Youtube] bertujuan mengajar dan mengembangkan fikiran dia dari sudut, Mengenal huruf dan number, bermelodi dan decision making...

Berbalik kepada toy tadi, seperti yang dimaklumkan shima, toy tu dihadiahkan oleh Nasiah sempena sambutan hari lahir Amir yang ke-3 [rujuk post sebelum ni...] terima kasih...!! Dan kerana toy baru ni, Amir tinggalkan semua, makan, minum, mandi, laptop, PSP serta ikut ku keluar pergi kedai kerana terlalu asyik dengan Thomas and Friends nya... Rasa kalau boleh bawa track tu naik katil, dah lama dia tidur ngan benda tu... ekekek!!

Mayya pun kelihatan gembira dengan toy barunya, bouncing... bouncing... walau dia baru je pandai memusing badan dan mengensot badan untuk bergerak... [tak ingat lak umurnya berapa...] tapi sangat comel bila dia berada dalam bouncer tu takkala dia mem'bouncing'kan diri... kelakar tgk kaki dia seperti membuat 'Star Jump'...!!
1, 2, 3... lompattt... dan seraya Mayya membuat lompatan selepas mendengar kiraan yang dibuat Tok Ma nya...!! 1, 2, 3... lompattt... dan Mayya melompat dan ketawa memperlihatkan yang dia sungguh gembira...
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