
Monday, July 14

05 - 12 July 2008

Don't have any entry for now... but i will collect all activities and event which involve in past 7-8 days..

05 July - dinner (Cost = Free)

Entry Ticket... There's 1 more which need to be return to organizer.

Eerrkk... :-*

This is why our ticket need to be return... MP3 Player...!!

07 July - Futsal (Cost = RM8)
Played with former interns who was previously do their internship semester in our company...!! 4 teams involved which 1 1/2 from our company and 2 1/2 team from them... hehe...!! Confuse..??

10 July - Jusco Member Day (Cost = RM100++)
Fuh!! I wonder... there's a lot Malaysia citizen who skip work for this even... Don't forget, coming 25, Jusco Member Day at Mid Valley... there must be more people will taking leave for it...!!

10 July - Futsal (Cost = RM8)
Played with players who come from friend's company... I played as sparing partner as they were doing their preparation for weekend tournament...!! Unlucky, i was able to make 1 of their player injured and don't know whether he can or cannot player for the tournament...

12 July - Yus Wedding (Cost = Free)
Congratulation to Yusrizal Razak...!! He is the last person in my click to get married... haha!! at last...!!

Some of us...

12 July - Beijing Trip (Cost = RM30++)

Here is where we was roving around the park.... Weather was perfect and it's cool a bit...

On the way out of the park... See the Olimpik mascot at the back of the picture...

Lepas lelah berjalan, kami singgah kat satu kedai makan dan kami order benda benda ni... walaupun sikit, tapi tahap kenyang melampau... harga pun berpatutan...!!

3 layers, bottom layer is potato, middle is bread and cheese on top. It served with a yummie meat curry... memang yummie...!! seriously...!!

Fish Fingers...!!

This basket was more cheaper than sell at McD Malaysian wide...!!

13 July - Friendly 11 Side (Cost = RM12)
Fuh... The most tried activity for whole week... played at standard field and our opponent was majority younger than us...!! My team mostly at 30-an... Ekekeke!! Result was not important as satisfactory was our priority...!!

p/s: Thanks for spending your time here to read the post... I'm off now!!